Wednesday, November 11, 2020 at 3:30 PM

Minecraft Snapshot 20w46a

The snow is snowier than before.

For today’s snapshot, we’ve changed most of the textures introduced in the previous snapshot. This is simply to test if these textures give a better experience in exploring and building. We’re interested to hear what you think. Keep in mind, that some textures might be reverted or changed again in the future

New Features in 20w46a

  • Added Powder Snow!

Powder Snow

Snowier snow!

  • Powder Snow is a trap block that causes any entity that walks into it to sink in it
  • You can pick up and place Powder Snow with a bucket
  • Wear leather boots to prevent yourself from sinking into Powder Snow blocks
  • Leave a Cauldron outside in falling snow and it will fill with Powder Snow


  • Standing in Powder Snow will slowly freeze an entity
  • Once frozen, freeze damage is done every few seconds to the frozen entity
  • Each piece of leather armor warn causes an entity to freeze more slowly
  • Wearing a full set of leather armor prevents freezing entirely

Changes in 20w46a

  • The range in which a lightning rod attracts lightning has been doubled
  • Copper blocks are now crafted from 4 copper ingots
  • Sky color now varies smoothly when moving between different biomes
  • Buttons that change value (like Difficulty) can now be controlled with mouse wheel
  • Clicking on button that changes value while holding shift key changes to previous value
  • "Debug" world type can now be accessed while holding alt key (was shift)


Changed a number of the textures for blocks and items introduced in the previous snapshot:

  • Cut Copper
  • Lightning Rod
  • Calcite
  • Amethyst Block
  • Budding Amethyst Block
  • Tinted Glass
  • Candle Item Icons
  • Copper Ingot Item Icon
  • Amethyst Shard Item Icon
  • Bundle Item Icon

Technical Changes in 20w46a

  • Removed /replaceitem command
  • Added /item command
  • Added item modifiers, which reuse loot table functions syntax to describe item modification in /item command.
  • Data pack version is now 7
  • Loot tables can now access scoreboard values by UUID.
  • Loot table values inside random number generators can now be nested.
  • Default mode of structure blocks is now Load. Data is now hidden (but can be accessed by clicking mode button while holding alt key)

Item modifiers

The function part of loot tables can now be defined as separate data pack resource in item_modifiers directory. Such files can contain a single function (i.e single JSON object) or an array of functions.



Modifies item or block inventory.

This command has three forms:

  • /item <target> replace <item stack> [<count>] - same as old replaceitem
  • /item <target> modify <modifier> - modifies item (without copying).
  • /item <target> copy <source> [<modifier>] - copies item for source to target(s), optionally applying modifier

Possible sources and targets:

  • entity <selector> <slot>
  • block <x> <y> <z> <slot>

For example, /item block ~ ~ ~ container.0 copy entity @s enderchest.0 will copy first item from player's enderchest to first slot of container player is currently standing on.

Loot tables

New conditions


Checks range of value.


  • value - see "New value providers" section (currently combination of random generators and score)
  • range - min/max range

Changed conditions


entity parameter has now been replaced with target. It can either contain value from old entity field (like this) or be an score holder name in form {"name": "..."}.

Changed functions


This function now has add parameter. If true, change will be relative to current damage. If false, damage will be replaced with current value (default behavior)


This function now has add parameter. If true, change will be relative to current item count. If false, item count will be replaced with current value (default behavior)


source parameter can now be set to {"storage": <namespaced id>}, to access command storage.

New functions


Modifies enchantments on item

  • enchantments - map of enchantment id to level value (can be score or random number)
  • add - if true, change will be relative to current level. If false, level will be replaced with current value (default behavior)

New value providers

Note: value providers can be used in same places as random number generators.


Returns scaled scoreboard value.

  • score - scoreboard name
  • target - same as target in score predicate
  • scale - scaling factor (float)

Data Packs

Changes to data packs for version 7:

  • Removal of /replaceitem (replaced with /item replace)
  • score loot table condition: entity parameter has been replaced with target

Resource Packs

Changes to resource packs for version 7:

  • Drowned texture mirroring has changed (see MC-174685)
  • slots for the game mode selector are now 26 pixels instead of 25

Fixed bugs in 20w46a

  • MC-2490 TNT animation ends at 80 ticks, ignores fuse length changes
  • MC-53518 Endermen don't attack endermites spawned using spawn eggs or /summon
  • MC-80468 Inconsistency between block names
  • MC-99259 As of 1.9, the wither health bar doesn't go up during spawn
  • MC-110903 Cannot remove horse saddle using /replaceitem
  • MC-143821 Using empty map in creative mode can create additional map with ID 0
  • MC-147729 Crafting via the recipe book can delete items if picking up items while crafting
  • MC-162910 Additional map is created when using an empty map in Creative in a newly created world
  • MC-182954 "block.minecraft.banner.base." displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
  • MC-183771 Gamemode switcher icons in the F3+F4 menu are not centered
  • MC-183917 Min and max are both required in entity_scores condition
  • MC-185605 Kelp generates on top of Magma Blocks
  • MC-188448 Food pops off of campfire when extinguished
  • MC-189482 LAN World screen buttons are selected in the wrong order when using Tab
  • MC-196425 "Off" is not completely capitalized for the Distortion Effects and FOV Effects sliders, which is inconsistent with other sliders
  • MC-197276 Pufferfish gives poison IV instead of II
  • MC-198514 Creating a superflat world with nothing but air crashes the game
  • MC-198725 Crash when clicking "Presets" after setting the superflat preset with a non-existent biome
  • MC-203562 Shulker boxes animate when shulkers do
  • MC-203574 Decorations don't generate in the Nether
  • MC-203621 Unable to pick up experience orbs
  • MC-203622 Arm when using Spyglass aligned wrong on Multiplayer
  • MC-203631 Amethyst buds do not drop themselves with silk touch
  • MC-203643 Command modified bundle has a bigger progress bar than a slot
  • MC-203644 Cats & Ocelots are missing one of their legs
  • MC-203646 Some mobs won't despawn when switched to peaceful
  • MC-203648 The armour stand model floats above its base
  • MC-203746 Levitation particles go on forever when killed by a levitating creeper
  • MC-203880 Floating creepers / creeper with no AI