Monday, May 23, 2022 at 2:54 PM

Minecraft 1.19 Pre-Release 2

A recent change made it possible for more types of mobs to spawn inside Nether Portals, which caused them to instantly change dimensions after spawning. We will not be making any further changes to this before the release of 1.19, but our intent for the future is to prevent most mobs from spawning in Nether Portals and the ones that do will not immediately travel through the portal. Expect to see these changes in a coming version.

Changes in 1.19 Pre-release 2

  • If the Warden is stuck in a liquid, it will angrily despawn instead of digging
  • Reverted using generic equip sound when equipping blocks in the head slot

Technical Changes in 1.19 Pre-release 2

  • Added game event teleport with a vibration frequency of 5

Fixed bugs in 1.19 Pre-release 2

  • MC-186148 "death.attack.witherSkull.item" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
  • MC-186851 "death.attack.sting.item" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
  • MC-207268 Sculk sensors don't detect stripping logs, tilling dirt, or pathing grass
  • MC-208759 Sculk Sensor's 'block placed' doesn't trigger with villagers placing crops
  • MC-208760 Sculk Sensor's 'block placed' doesn't trigger when snow golems place snow layers
  • MC-208761 Sculk Sensor's 'block destroyed' doesn't trigger when blocks are destroyed by pistons
  • MC-209701 Sculk sensors are not activated upon placing food onto campfires
  • MC-209900 Sculk sensors are not activated upon inserting or retrieving music discs from jukeboxes
  • MC-210330 Sculk sensors are not activated upon throwing eyes of ender
  • MC-210489 Sculk sensors are not activated upon pointed dripstone filling partially filled cauldrons
  • MC-210496 Sculk sensors are not activated upon harvesting sweet berry bushes
  • MC-210801 Wool incorrectly occludes the vibration of item frames being placed
  • MC-212430 Sculk sensors are not activated upon rain or snow filling partially filled cauldrons
  • MC-213387 Sculk sensors don't detect endermen/shulkers teleporting from a place to another
  • MC-220086 Sculk sensors do not detect using an axe to clear the wax/weathering of a copper block
  • MC-220087 Sculk sensors do not detect using a honeycomb to wax copper
  • MC-249696 Certain void worlds fail to spawn the player on the stone platform
  • MC-250259 Warden AI doesn't function properly when it rides on entities
  • MC-250941 Goats' horns don't snap on copper ore
  • MC-250956 Baby goats with horns lose their horns when fed
  • MC-251314 Goats loaded from older worlds lose their horns
  • MC-251336 Darkness fog flashes at high duration values
  • MC-251412 Warden afflicting Darkness to players in the same team
  • MC-251500 Wardens ignore PersistenceRequired and dig away
  • MC-251601 Darkness rendering incorrectly when reloading the game
  • MC-251639 Warden emerging particles don't match up with block they emerge on the entire way
  • MC-251646 "death.attack.sonic_boom.item" displays raw translation string (is untranslated)
  • MC-251670 Villager sometimes won't refill their stock
  • MC-251675 Mesa Mineshafts no longer generate with /place command outside of badlands biomes despite saying the structure has been generated successfully
  • MC-251736 Reflected ghast fireball cannot hit the ghast
  • MC-251824 Wardens aren't angered by being hit with damageless projectiles
  • MC-251854 "It Spreads" advancement can be granted when killing a mob that does not give experience
  • MC-251859 Gear equipping sound plays every time armor/elytra durability changes while equipped
  • MC-251860 The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced when giving items to allays
  • MC-251862 Shift clicking the destroy item button in the creative inventory creates a vibration when there is nothing in your equipment slots
  • MC-251864 The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced when filling water buckets with fish, axolotls, or tadpoles
  • MC-251871 The minecraft:item.armor.equip_generic sound is produced and can only be heard by other players when switching items between hands
  • MC-251876 Villagers produce armor equipping sound when previewing armor
  • MC-251889 io.netty.handler.codec.EncoderException when evaluating too many entity selectors in chat preview
  • MC-251890 run_command click events send value as command instead of chat message
  • MC-251915 Milking cows, mooshrooms and goats plays gear equipping sound
  • MC-251916 Eating food items that return empty containers plays gear equipping sound
  • MC-251919 Equipping a player head, skull or carved pumpkin displays the generic "Gear equips" subtitle
  • MC-251920 Taking a plant from a pot plays the gear equipping sound and subtitle
  • MC-251921 Equipping horse armor onto a horse plays the "Gear equips" sound
  • MC-251922 "Gear equips" sound plays when equipping or removing a saddle from a horse wearing horse armor
  • MC-251924 Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when foxes pick up any item
  • MC-251925 Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when dolphins throw around items
  • MC-251927 Gear equipping sounds and subtitles are played when CanPickUpLoot mobs pick up items
  • MC-251928 Gear equips sound plays when filling a single bottle with honey
  • MC-251929 Gear equips sound plays when filling a single bottle with water from a water source