Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 12:16 PM
Minecraft Snapshot 25w09b
Back so soon! We're releasing a second snapshot this week, following frequently occurring issues in yesterday's snapshot.
Happy mining!
Fixed bugs in 25w09b#
- MC-280302 Text does not render in menus until entering a world
- MC-280303 Game crashes when trying to render a warden
- MC-280305 GUI elements incorrectly overlap on macOS
- MC-280308 Crash from GL error when opening world
- MC-280310 The game crashes near a Trial Chamber
- MC-280322 Game crashes when trying to render a breeze
- MC-280324 Game crashes when entering the end from the nether
- MC-280329 Game sometime crashes when saving world
- MC-280334 The Report Player screen is broken
- MC-280346 The loading screen initially appears black and only changes to red at the end