Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 2:48 PM
Minecraft Snapshot 25w10a
It's time for a new Minecraft snapshot! We've got some more under-the-hood updates including a tntExplodes
game rule previously found in Bedrock edition, new features in SNBT syntax, and allowing all entities to store custom data. We also have some more bug fixes coming your way.
You can now also enjoy a new main menu background, happy mining!
- The Sheep wool texture has been tweaked to remove the stark line at the back
- Blocks that are broken by a Piston now play their breaking sound
- Updated the menu panorama for the first Game Drop of the year
- The textures of Test Blocks and Test Instance Blocks have been updated
- Cactus Flowers can now be placed on Farmland
Technical Changes#
- The Data Pack version is now 70
- The Resource Pack version is now 54
Data Pack Version 70#
- All entities can now store custom data
- Unified format and functionality of predicates for components on Entities and Block Entities
- New operations for SNBT
- Added new
Game Rule - Added
item tag - corresponding item tag for the already existing #flowers
block tag
Entity Data#
- Custom data (previously present only on Marker) is now available on all entities
- It's exposed as a
component, so it can be set by spawning items and matched by predicates - The component is currently stored in a field called
, which will be changed in the future when more proper storage for entity components is introduced - It's stored only if it's non-empty
Entity Predicates#
- A new optional field has been added to entity predicates:
- Its functionality and format is identical to the field
on item predicates, but they operate on entity components- When present,
will match partial contents of entity components
Block Predicates#
- New optional fields have been added to block predicates:
and predicates
- Their functionality and format are identical to the fields
and predicates
on item predicates, but they operate on block entity components (when present)- When present,
will match exact contents of block entity components - When present,
will match partial contents of block entity components
- To simplify input of data and macro use, SNBT now also supports following operations:
- converts argment to boolean- if argument is a boolean value, returns value directly
- if argument is a number value, returns
if it is non-zero
- converts string representation of UUID to integer array
- Implicit infinite float values (like
) are now rejected
Game Rule#
- When
, TNT will not explode and cannot be primed - Default value:
Resource Pack Version 54#
- "Global" uniforms may now be defined in any shader, and the game will attempt to fill it
- Currently, these are:
, ProjMat
, TextureMat
, ScreenSize
, ColorModulator
, Light0_Direction
, Light1_Direction
, GlintAlpha
, FogStart
, FogEnd
, FogColor
, FogShape
, LineWidth
, GameTime
, ModelOffset
- The type of the uniform must match what it would normally be, or it'll be undefined behavior
Fixed bugs in 25w10a#
- MC-269386 Flow Pottery Sherd is not in the correct spot in the creative inventory
- MC-270043 Reduced armor glint applies to tridents
- MC-279920 Beacons play the deactivation sound every game tick while on the death screen
- MC-279967 Temperate cows have strange mapping/harsh borders because of the leg texture becoming mirrored
- MC-279993 Baby cows' heads are incorrectly positioned
- MC-280050 The mule saddle texture is missing in the Programmer Art resource pack
- MC-280061 Test instance block has flipped lighting direction
- MC-280063 crafting_transmute recipes don't give an output if the output stack has the same count as the stack in the crafting grid
- MC-280106 Cactus flowers cannot be held by endermen
- MC-280109 Leash all frog variants advancement is not deterministic in data generation
- MC-280113 Shears no longer consume durability when used on insta-mined blocks
- MC-280143 Monster spawner and trial spawner tooltip no longer displays the "Interact with Spawn Egg" hint
- MC-280159 New cow model does not match Bedrock Edition
- MC-280242 Not all ambient sounds have been moved to the "Ambient/Environment" category
- MC-280244 Temperate cow model in Java does not have its new horn placement from Bedrock Edition
- MC-280285 Some game events can crash the game when attempting to create vibration resonance with an amethyst block
- MC-280315 Crash when listing suggestions with invalid Unicode escapes
- MC-280325 The player hand flickers in first-person mode
- MC-280337 Slimes freeze the game
- MC-280360 The game stops updating frames while loading chunks
- MC-280379 Frozen screen when entering any UI or after a few minutes of playing
- MC-280383 Items in inventories sometimes do not render
- MC-280423 Block textures flicker randomly
- MC-280439 Values out of bounds for float and double parse successfully in SNBT resulting in storing the value Infinity